

Quarter (Canadian Coin)

This 53.9 Gigapixel, 151 nm/pixel dataset of a Canadian Quarter coin was acquired on a ZEISS Sigma HD Variable Pressure FE-SEM with secondary electrons.

Details53.9 Gigapixels, 163.8k x 164.9k, 24.55 mm x 24.86 mm, 151 nm/pixel

Roman Coin

This 1.5 Gigapixel, 503 nm/pixel dataset of a Roman Coin (a Silver Denarius) was acquired on a ZEISS Sigma HD Variable Pressure FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.

Details1.5 Gigapixels, 38.9k x 38.9k, 19.56 mm x 19.56 mm, 503 nm/pixel