Igneous Petrology
Peralkaline GraniteThis 132.9 Gigapixel, 100 nm/pixel dataset of a mineralized peralkaline granite from the Strange Lake REE-Zr-Nb deposit in northeastern Québec was acquired first in a ZEISS Axio Zoom LM using plane-polarized and cross-polarized light and subsequently in a ZEISS Sigma HDVP FE-SEM with secondary electrons.
Hot Spring Mineralization (Iceland)This 112.9 Gigapixel, 60 nm/pixel dataset of hydrothermal spring mineralization from a volcano in Iceland was acquired on a ZEISS Sigma HDVP FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Chilled Margin Magnetite, El Laco, ChileThis 44.8 Gigapixel, 163 nm/pixel dataset of chilled margin magnetite from El Laco, Chile was acquired on a Zeiss Sigma HD VP FE-SEM with secondary electrons.
Spherulitic MagnetiteThis 41.6 Gigapixel, 150 nm/pixel dataset of a spherulitic magnetite was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with large-area reflected light and subsequently on a ZEISS GeminiSEM 450 with backscattered electrons.
Diktytaxitic MagnetiteThis 48.6 Gigapixel, 200 nm/pixel dataset of dytitaxitic magnetite was acquired first on a Zeiss AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with coaxial reflected light and subsequently on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with secondary and backscattered electrons.
Columnar Magnetite, El Laco, ChileThis 1.3 Gigapixel, 811 nm/pixel dataset of altered porous columnar magnetite was acquired on a Zeiss AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope using coaxial reflected light.
Magnetite Welded TuffThis 29.8 Gigapixel, 150 nm/pixel dataset of very fine-grained welded tuff from the Laco Sur deposit in Chile was imaged first on an ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with large-area reflected light and subsequently on a ZEISS GeminiSEM 450 FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Magnetite Vein Cutting Andesite, El Laco, ChileThis 36.9 Gigapixel, 139 nm/pixel dataset of a magnetite vein cutting andesite from El Laco, Chile was acquired first on an ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with large-area reflected light and subsequently on a ZEISS GeminiSEM 450 FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Unconsolidated Hematite Tephra, El Laco, ChileThis 57.0 Gigapixel, 150 nm/pixel dataset of unconsolidated hematite tephra from El Laco, Chile was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 LM with large-area reflected light and subsequently on a ZEISS GeminiSEM 450 with backscattered and secondary electrons.
Spinel Crystal 1, Parker Mine, QuebecThis 12.3 Gigapixel, 205 nm/pixel dataset of spinel crystial was acquired on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with a Plan Apo Z 0.5 objective and subsequently on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Spinel Crystal 2, Parker Mine, QuebecThis 10.1 Gigapixel, 204 nm/pixel dataset of spinel crystal was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with a Plan Apo Z 0.5 objective and subsequently on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Dunite 1, Parker Mine, QuebecThis 28.5 Gigapixel, 196 nm/pixel dataset of dunite was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with a Plan Apo Z 0.5 objective and subsequently on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Dunite 2, Parker Mine, QuebecThis 31.1 Gigapixel, 196 nm/pixel dataset of dunite was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with a Plan Apo Z 0.5 objective and subsequently on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Apatite and Calcite GlobuleThis 11.1 Gigapixel, 202 nm/pixel dataset of apatite with a calcite globule was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope then on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Apatite Crystal (Yates Mine, Otter Lake, Quebec)This light and electron microscopy dataset of apatite crystal was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope then on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Orange Calcite Globules, Yates Mine, Otter Lake, QCThis light and electron microscopy dataset of orange calcite globules was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope then on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Orange Calcite, Yates Mine, Otter Lake, QuebecThis light and electron microscopy dataset of orange calcite was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope, then on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Feldspar MegacrystThis 44.8 Gigapixel, 99 nm/pixel dataset of feldspar megacryst was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope using a Plan Apo Z 0.5/0.125 objective and subsequently on a ZEISS Sigma HDVP FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.
Scapolite MegacrystThis 44.3 Gigapixel, 80 nm/pixel dataset of a scapolite megacryst was acquired first on a ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope using a Plan Apo Z 0.5/0.125 objective and subsequently on a ZEISS Sigma HD Variable Pressure FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.