
Economic Geology

Uraninite and Gold (Witwatersrand, SA)

This 133.3 Gigapixel, 45 nm/pixel dataset of uraninite and gold in pyrobitumen nodules from the Carbon Leader Reef, Witwatersrand, SA was acquired on a ZEISS Sigma HD Variable Pressure FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.

Details133.3 Gigapixels, 364.5k x 365.6k, 16.41 mm x 16.45 mm, 45 nm/pixel

“Bird's-Eye Ore”, Balmat, NY, USA

This 28.2 Gigapixel, 205 nm/pixel dataset of Bird's-Eye Ore from Balmat, NY, USA was acquired first on a Zeiss AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope and subsequently on a ZEISS EVO MA15 C-SEM with backscattered electrons.

Details28.2 Gigapixels, 114.7k x 192.5k, 23.54 mm x 39.51 mm, 205 nm/pixel

Black Smoker Conduit, Papua New Guinea

This 87.1 Gigapixel, 100 nm/pixel dataset of Black Smoker Conduit was acquired first on Zeiss AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope and subsequently on a ZEISS Sigma HD Variable Pressure FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.

Details87.1 Gigapixels, 214.0k x 401.4k, 21.40 mm x 40.14 mm, 100 nm/pixel

Gold Standard (Au-RM-2)

Image Dimension 93.1 Gigapixels
240.6k x 387.1k
7.23 mm x 11.62 mm
Pixel Size30 nm/pixel