

Biological Sciences

Explore samples from the science of living organisms and their phenomena.

Earth Sciences

Explore samples illustrating the Earth's physical properties and processes.

Materials Sciences and Metallurgy

Explore the design, properties, strengths and weaknesses of materials and metals.

History and Archeology

Explore samples that tell stories of the past including that of human history and prehistory through artifacts and other physical remains.

Industry and Manufacturing

Explore the world of engineered products and technologies illustrating their innovations and challenges.

Dataset of the Day

This 29.8 Gigapixel, 150 nm/pixel dataset of very fine-grained welded tuff from the Laco Sur deposit in Chile was imaged first on an ZEISS AxioZoom V16 Light Microscope with large-area reflected light and subsequently on a ZEISS GeminiSEM 450 FE-SEM with backscattered electrons.

Details29.8 Gigapixels, 135.8k x 212.4k, 20.63 mm x 32.51 mm, 150 nm/pixel